Works policy manual : preliminary document for discussion purposes

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Works policy manual : preliminary document for discussion purposes
Roads and Traffic Authority of New South Wales
Policy Document
Date published
The establishment of the Roads and Traffic Authority has involved a considerable change in the corporate style and procedures from those which applied in the three previously existing organisations from which it was formed. Much of the change has arisen from the devolution of authority and increased emphasis on responsibility and accountability of individuals. In the area of the Authority's work functions, a need has been recognised for a manual setting out general policies in particular aspects of works organisation, execution and management. At the same time the manual should set out the objectives and procedures to be adopted in implementing these policies to ensure uniformity in approach throughout the State While circumstances may vary from Region to Region leading to some differences in approach, it is essential that basic philosophy, decisions and actions should be consistent. The uniformity sought is not to stifle enthusiasm, efficiency or effectiveness, but to ensure, in the application of management procedures and reporting, from the planning stage to the finalisation of works that uniform approaches are adopted so that corporate objectives are achieved. Similarly, uniformity in principle is required in dealing with the public and with outside bodies, including other public authorities. Comment is being sought from users in the Regions and from specialists and other stakeholders in the various Directorates. All comments received will be seriously considered and where appropriate, taken on board so that this Works Policy Manual when finalised will be a suitable guide for the Authority's works organisation in the 1990's.
New South Wales
© State of New South Wales
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